Chocolate Peanut Cheesecake

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Chocolate Peanut Cheesecake

Course Dessert



  • 18 oz dairy-free cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter
  • 5 oz dark chocolate melted
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup dairy-free heavy cream
  • 3 oz Doisy and Dam Vegan Chocolate Peanut D&Ds crushed


  • 10 oz biscuits of choice
  • 5 oz dairy-free unsalted butter melted


  • Line and grease an 8-inch springform pan.
  • In a food processor, blitz the biscuits into a fine crumb. Pour in the melted butter and mix until combined.
  • Press the biscuit crumb into the baking tin and place it in the fridge while you make the filling.
  • In a stand mixer or with an electric whisk, combine the cream cheese, peanut butter, and powdered sugar. Once combined, whisk in the melted chocolate.
  • In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until firm peaks form.
  • Gently fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture, then fold in the crushed D&Ds.
  • Pour the cheesecake filling over the biscuit base in the baking tin, spreading it evenly.
  • Chill in the fridge for at least 5 hours.
  • Serve with a dusting of cocoa powder and some extra D&Ds on top.

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